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7 Of The World’s Worst Health Conditions That Are Linked To Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D is a vital nutrient that we consume and a hormone that our bodies produce. Vitamin D deficiency can be detrimental to your health and is linked to several conditions. As a fat-soluble vitamin, it has been widely recognized for facilitating the absorption and retention of calcium and phosphorus, essential components for building solid bones (Ellison & Moran, 2021). 

Our skin is the primary source of vitamin D production in the body. The process requires exposure to UV rays from sunlight to produce vitamin D3, which is then activated by the liver and kidneys (Bikle, 2011).

In the US and Canada, healthy adults and children ages 1 to 69 are recommended a daily intake of 600 IU (international units. Those 70 and older are recommended 800 IU daily. Osteoporosis Canada recommends 400 to 2,000 IU for adults at risk of osteoporosis. However, some individuals take up to 20 times the recommended dose of vitamin D to address medical conditions caused by its deficiency (University of Calgary, 2019).

Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D

Age group

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) per day

Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) per day

Infants 0-6 months

400 IU (10 µg)

1000 IU (25 µg)

Infants 7-12 months

400 IU (10 µg)

1500 IU (38 µg)

Children 1-3 years

600 IU (15 µg)

2500 IU (63 µg)

Children 4-8 years

600 IU (15 µg)

3000 IU (75 µg)

Children and Adults

9-70 years

600 IU (15 µg)

4000 IU (100 µg)

Adults > 70 years

800 IU (20 µg)

4000 IU (100 µg)

Pregnancy & Lactation

600 IU (15 µg)

4000 IU (100 µg)

Source: Health Canada


What are the typical indicators of vitamin D deficiency?

Most people with a vitamin D deficiency are asymptomatic, but if you’re tired, have bone or muscle pain, mood changes, or other symptoms, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Reasonable indications of vitamin D deficiency may include fatigue, poor sleep, depression, hair loss, weakness, loss of appetite, frequent illness, or pale skin (Nebraska Medicine UNIVERSITY HEALTH CENTER, n.d.).

What are the health conditions and diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency?

1. Overweight and obesity

It has been observed that there is a negative correlation between vitamin D deficiency and metabolic states like insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, as well as overweight and obesity. Early research revealed that individuals who were morbidly obese had poor vitamin D levels. In recent times, obesity and vitamin D deficiency have become widespread issues globally. Despite abundant evidence, there is still a debate in the scientific literature about whether obesity leads to vitamin D deficiency or vice versa (Pourshahidi, 2014). 

2. Hypertension 

Studies have shown that individuals with insufficient vitamin D levels may have increased arterial resistance, leading to high blood pressure (hypertension) due to elevated secondary parathyroid hormone (PTH) (Sambrook et al., 2006).

3. Depression  

Research suggests a strong connection between vitamin D deficiency and the onset of various psychiatric and neurologic disorders. A comprehensive study investigated the relationship between vitamin D status, cognitive function, and mood in older adults to understand this connection further. The study aimed to gain insight into how vitamin D levels affect the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of aging and how this information can improve older individuals’ health and well-being (Wilkins et al., 2006).

4. Fibromyalgia

Research has examined whether there is a connection between vitamin D levels and fibromyalgia. Several studies have found that people with fibromyalgia are strongly matched to lower vitamin D levels than healthy individuals. However, it is still unclear what role vitamin D plays in the development of fibromyalgia; further research is needed (Ellis et al., 2018).

5. Osteoporosis  

Vitamin D deficiency can hurt our bodies. It can cause increased levels of parathyroid hormone and lead to bone loss, resulting in weakened bones and fractures. In the long term, it can also cause mineralization defects, which may lead to a condition called osteomalacia. Furthermore, muscle weakness can occur, increasing the chance of falls and fractures (Lips & van Schoor, 2011). 

6. Alzheimer’s disease (aka, Type 3 Diabetes)

Studies have found lower volumes of vitamin D were linked to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s, which has been unofficially dubbed as type-3 diabetes, through various mechanisms (Shen & Ji, 2015).

7. Erectile dysfunction 

It is interesting to note that epidemiological data have implied a correlation between vitamin D deficiency and erectile dysfunction. A review of the literature has shed light on the potential mechanisms by which vitamin D could impact the anatomy and physiology of the penis. The evidence suggests that vitamin D is crucial in maintaining healthy erectile function (Canguven & Al Malki, 2021).  

It should also be noted that vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to a higher risk associated with different types of cancers, namely breast, prostate, and colon cancers. Based on the evidence, vitamin D may play a significant role in regulating cell growth and preventing the formation of abnormal cells. However, more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between vitamin D and cancer (Baptista et al., 2023). 

The synergistic interplay between vitamin D and K2.

These two powerhouses work together to promote optimal health and wellness. Please take advantage of the excellent benefits they offer. The synergetic effect of vitamins D3 and K-2 is fat-soluble, and they play significant roles in calcium metabolism. Recent studies suggest vitamin D enhances vitamin K-2-dependent bone protein concentrations and induces bone formation (Koshihara & Hoshi, 1997) (Price & Baukol, 1981). 

How can I increase my intake of vitamin D?

Spending time outside in the sunshine

Remember that vitamin D is commonly known as the “sunshine vitamin” because it is one of the most effective sources of this nutrient. It has been proven that vitamin D from sun exposure circulates twice as long as vitamin D is obtained from a food or supplement source (Nair & Maseeh, n.d.).

Consume fatty fish and seafood.

Fatty fish and seafood are rich sources of vitamin D. A 3.5-ounce canned salmon contains 386 IU of vitamin D (Lu et al., 2007). Some of the best kinds of fish and seafood rich in vitamin D include:

Include egg yolks in your diet

Egg yolks are considered a natural source of vitamin D, but not all eggs are the same. Conventionally raised chickens produce eggs with only 2-5% of the RDI, while pasture-raised or free-range chickens can offer up to 4 times more vitamin D (Kühn et al., 2014a). There needs to be more awareness among Canadians and medical professionals regarding the safety of dietary cholesterol and egg yolk consumption. While some studies have suggested no harm in healthy individuals who consume eggs, it’s possible insufficient sample sizes limited these findings to detecting clinically significant increases in low-risk populations. Additionally, these studies have demonstrated that individuals who consume one egg per day and go on to develop diabetes may be at twice the risk compared to diabetic patients who consume less than one egg per week (Spence et al., 2010).

Take a supplement

People diagnosed with Celiac disease, individuals with a history of gastrointestinal tract surgery, those with naturally dark skin, people experiencing malabsorption issues, and those with limited sunlight exposure may benefit from taking a vitamin D supplement to maintain adequate levels. Vitamin D comes in two biological forms: Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol), found in plants, and D3 (cholecalciferol), from animals. Research indicates that D3 may be more effective in boosting and sustaining overall vitamin D levels than D2 (Wilson et al., 2017).


The significance of getting enough vitamin D daily cannot be overstated, as it is a crucial nutrient that many individuals across the globe do not consume enough of. Unfortunately, most people exhibit no visible indications or symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, making it challenging to identify. However, a deficiency in this nutrient can raise the risk of various severe health conditions over time. To ensure that you maintain healthy levels, please consult your family doctor or dietitian to evaluate your vitamin D levels and devise a plan to elevate them if necessary. This may help reduce your chances of developing many vitamin D deficiency illnesses while improving your overall health and well-being.


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