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A Beginner’s Guide to Prebiotics: 10 Benefits You Cannot Ignore for Your General Health

Prebiotics serve as a nourishing source for the beneficial bacteria in your gut. These indigestible carbohydrates travel to your lower digestive tract and provide essential nutrients to support the growth of healthy bacteria. Meanwhile, probiotics consist of live yeasts and beneficial bacteria naturally present in your body, promoting a healthy digestive system.


What Are Prebiotics?


Prebiotics are a type of non-digestible carbohydrate known for significantly influencing the composition and function of the gut microbiota (Walker et al., 2010). Beneficial intestinal microbes ferment these non-digestible dietary substances, termed prebiotics. During this fermentation process, the microbes break down the indigestible bonds of prebiotics, obtaining their essential energy for survival from this breakdown (Gibson & Roberfroid, 1995a) (Gibson et al., 2004).


Natural prebiotic sources include whole grains, bananas, leafy greens, onions, garlic, soybeans, and artichokes (Carlson et al., 2018). In addition to occurring naturally in foods, probiotics and prebiotics are also incorporated into certain food products and are available as dietary supplements. Ongoing research investigates the intricate relationship between gut microflora and various diseases.


What is the Difference Between Probiotics vs. Prebiotics?


The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics has provided a comprehensive definition of probiotics, described as “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host” (Gibson et al., 2017a). These microorganisms primarily constitute bacteria, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species, but can also include yeasts like Saccharomyces boulardii. Probiotics are naturally existing in fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut. They may also be intentionally added to other food products like certain types of cheese, milk, and even some juices. Additionally, they are available as dietary supplements, such as capsules, powders, or liquids (Gibson et al., 2017b).


In 1995, Glenn Gibson and Marcel Roberfroid introduced the concept of prebiotics, which are non-digestible fibers that assist the growth of helpful bacteria in the gut (Gibson & Roberfroid, 1995b). Prebiotic compounds are selectively fermented in the gut, leading to specific changes in the composition and activity of the gastrointestinal microflora. These changes may benefit the host’s well-being and health (Joye et al., 2019).


10 Benefits of Prebiotics


1. Improve Digestion and Metabolism


Prebiotics play a vital role in promoting a healthy gut and digestive system. They achieve this by modifying the gut environment. During fermentation, prebiotics produce acids, lowering the gut’s pH level. Even a slight pH change, from 6.5 to 5.5, can impact the composition and population of gut microbiota, affecting acid-sensitive species such as Bacteroids (Walker et al., 2005). Prebiotics also strengthen gut health by increasing the presence of “good” bacteria, which help prevent pathogens in the intestinal tract and alleviate constipation. It’s important to note that your diet can impact your immune system and allergy risk (Duncan et al., 2009).


2. Help Regulate Bowel Movements.


In a study conducted by (Steels et al., 2023)., participants who took a prebiotic powder formulation showed significant improvement in bowel movements and stool consistency. Moreover, the participants experienced a notable reduction in overall gastrointestinal symptoms.


The evidence supporting the role of prebiotics as a treatment for IBS is increasing. Understanding the appropriate dosage and duration of prebiotic therapy is vital to encourage positive effects on the microbiome and improve IBS symptoms without causing significant discomfort (O’Mahony et al., 2005).


While prebiotics can benefit some individuals, they may worsen symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in sensitive patients, as rapid fermentation can lead to gas, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. A 2013 study by (Whelan, 2013) highlighted a significant finding: a higher intake of prebiotics can worsen IBS symptoms. This is because many prebiotics contain high FODMAP content. When these carbohydrates break down and ferment, they can exacerbate IBS symptoms like gas, bloating, and abdominal pain. Understanding this mechanism can empower individuals with IBS to make informed dietary choices. Therefore, prebiotics are not suitable for everyone.


3. Improve Calcium Absorption and Increase Bone Density


It was shown that prebiotics stimulated the absorption of iron and bone-relevant minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc in short-term experiments and improved bone mineral content from the long-term perspective (Scholz-Ahrens et al., 2007).


4. Regulate Blood Sugar and Insulin Resistance


A study by (Megur et al., 2022) showed that prebiotics influence gut microbiota composition and produce microbial metabolites, including short-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids are crucial in lowering blood glucose levels, alleviating insulin resistance, and diminishing inflammation.


5. Strengthen the Immune System


Various studies conducted in laboratory and clinical settings have provided evidence of the immunomodulatory effects of prebiotics in regulating the immune response. Prebiotics have been shown to play a role in influencing the function of the gut barrier by impacting the intestinal epithelial cells. This interaction is significant as the intestinal barrier and the gut-associated tissue act as critical components of the body’s innate immune response, functioning as the first line of defense against pathogens and foreign substances (Pujari & Banerjee, 2020).


6. Stimulate the Production of Hormones That Aid in Appetite Suppression.


Increasing the amount of dietary fiber in your diet by consuming specific prebiotics can positively impact satiety hormones and appetite control. This may play a role in managing body weight (Parnell et al., 2011).


7. Lower Inflammation in the Body


Prebiotics offer potential benefits for metabolic health and improve certain digestive conditions (Looijer–Van Langen & Dieleman, 2009). Additionally, they have been found to reduce markers of inflammation, contributing to overall health and well-being. It has shown benefits in colitis in animal models of inflammation, perhaps because the pathological site of these conditions is the same as the site of action of prebiotics (Lomax & Calder, 2008).


8. Reduce the Risk of Allergies


Prebiotics may significantly decrease the likelihood of developing allergies compared to not consuming prebiotics. Studies have shown that prebiotics can impact the function of the gut barrier by influencing intestinal epithelial cells. The intestinal barrier and gut-associated lymphoid tissue play a vital role in innate immune responses by serving as the body’s initial line of defense (Fiocchi et al., 2022).


9. Lower the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease


Recent studies have indicated that functional foods enriched with bioactive compounds, prebiotics, and/or probiotics hold considerable promise in preventing and managing various cardio-metabolic disorders. These disorders encompass conditions such as obesity, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension (Mutalub et al., 2022). Furthermore, the research findings underscore the significance of these functional foods in offering potential health benefits. Specifically, they shed light on the positive impacts of prebiotics, various probiotic strains, and targeted antibiotic strategies in mitigating the pathogenic mechanisms associated with hypercholesterolemia, obesity, and hypertension (Romero & Duarte, 2023).

10. Regulate Moods and Reduce Stress Hormone Levels


Recent research has provided compelling evidence suggesting a strong connection between the microbiota in the intestines and brain function. A notable study showed that prebiotics, which are soluble fibers that promote the growth of native gut bacteria, substantially impact the neurobiology of rats. This study found that the salivary cortisol awakening response (CAR)—indicating a rise in cortisol level after waking as part of the daily cortisol secretion cycle—was notably lower after taking specific prebiotics than placebo (Schmidt et al., 2014).


Who Would Benefit Most by Consuming Prebiotics?


Prebiotics play a significant role in promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, thereby offering potential benefits for gut health. Incorporating prebiotics into one’s diet positively impacts gut-related conditions such as constipation, potentially offering hope and improved well-being for individuals on their health journey.


It’s worth noting that prebiotic-rich foods, including vegetables and high-fiber foods, are not widely consumed in Canadian and American diets (Abdullah et al., 2015). However, the availability of prebiotic supplements means that individuals can enhance their gut health, regardless of their current dietary patterns. Additionally, even if an individual perceives their gut health to be generally good, integrating prebiotics into their diet can provide an extra layer of support, putting them in charge of their well-being (Davani-Davari et al., 2019).


Moreover, including prebiotics in the diet can significantly contribute to fostering a balanced gut microbiome, mitigating oxidative stress and inflammation, and regulating insulin resistance. These benefits are particularly reassuring for women managing conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), a prevalent hormonal disorder affecting women, offering hope for improved health (Miao et al., 2021).


Where are prebiotics found (foods high in prebiotics)?


The following are the top five foods with the highest prebiotic content, ranging from 79 to 243 milligrams of prebiotic per gram of food:


1. Dandelion greens


The dandelion plant offers various health benefits due to its high prebiotic fiber content, particularly inulin. Inulin can help reduce constipation and promote healthy digestion by supporting regular bowel movements (Olas, 2022).


2. Jerusalem artichokes


Jerusalem artichokes are rich in inulin, a prebiotic that promotes digestive health, and various insoluble fibers and caffeoylquinic acid. While the specific effects of these components on gut bacteria are well-established, the combined impact of these compounds still needs to be fully understood (Sasaki et al., 2020).


3. Garlic


Garlic contains the prebiotics’ inulin, and Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), which are carbohydrates found in plants that help good gut bacteria thrive. Evidence suggests that another prebiotic in garlic, fructan, might stimulate the growth of beneficial Bifidobacteria (Zhao et al., 2022).


4. Leeks


Raw leeks contain prebiotics, a type of fiber beneficial for the healthy bacteria in our gut. Moreover, leeks are high in vitamin K and provide a good amount of vitamin A and manganese. Studies suggest that consuming prebiotic vegetables like leeks and salsify may have a positive impact on preventing obesity by influencing the makeup of the gut microbiota. The study aimed to gather data on the prevalence and factors influencing the consumption of prebiotic vegetables to encourage increased consumption of these beneficial vegetables (Broers et al., 2020).


5. Onions


Prebiotic dietary fibers are broad compounds that all display health benefits to improve consumers’ digestive health. Onions have excellent prebiotic properties. They also contain polyphenols—compounds that help protect our cells from oxidative stress and may help fend off heart disease and certain types of cancer (Carlson et al., 2018).




Prebiotics, typically found in high-fiber foods, are crucial for the beneficial microorganisms in the human gut. Their primary function is to foster a healthy balance of this microflora, a critical factor in maintaining overall gut health.


Prebiotics are a powerhouse of benefits. They aid digestion, regulate bowel movements, enhance calcium absorption, manage blood sugar levels, boost the immune system, and stimulate the production of hormones that curb appetite. Additionally, they possess anti-inflammatory properties, reduce allergies, lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, and contribute to regulating mood and stress hormone levels.


Including prebiotic-rich foods in your diet is a great way to ensure you get enough of these beneficial substances. Some excellent food sources of prebiotics include dandelion greens, Jerusalem artichokes, garlic, leeks, and onions. Supplementation is another convenient method of obtaining prebiotics.


It’s crucial to be aware that prebiotics are not recommended for conditions such as Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) or FODMAP intolerance. The same is true for some IBS sufferers; prebiotics may be more harmful than beneficial. This information can help you make well-informed decisions about your dietary choices.




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    Disclaimer: This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and is for information only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions about your medical condition and/or current medication. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking advice or treatment because of something you have read here.

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