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Reset Your Gut

Digestive disorders impose a significant economic burden on Canadians, costing an estimated $18 billion annually in healthcare and lost productivity (Danone Group, 2009). In the United States, digestive diseases rank third in total financial cost (GI Alliance, 2021). These issues are closely linked to the prevalent "American diet" and eating habits characterized by stress, distraction, and rushed meal consumption.

Our digestive system is not just a bodily function; it's a cornerstone of our overall well-being. It plays a crucial role in transforming food into the essential components that fuel our bodies and minds. Understanding its importance is critical to maintaining our health.

Empower yourself with a proactive approach to improving your overall health. Taking charge of your well-being is essential, and it starts with understanding and caring for your digestive system.

A professionally guided, evidence-based body cleansing system is a beneficial option for enhancing digestion. However, it's crucial to note that not all systems suit everyone, especially those with specific medical conditions. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals or experienced health coaches is more than just a suggestion; it's a necessary step to ensure a safe and practical experience.

When individuals ask their family doctor about cleansing or detoxing, they often receive the response, "Your body naturally cleanses and detoxes itself, so you do not need to engage in these activities." As a holistic doctor and researcher, I agree that our bodies are sophisticated and have natural ways of eliminating toxins through the liver, kidneys, digestive system, skin, and lungs.

However, it is essential to consider that our environment is now filled with artificial chemicals. Since World War II, about 80,000 new synthetic chemicals have been released into the atmosphere, with approximately 1,500 new chemicals released yearly. Those 80,000 chemicals have been developed, distributed, and discarded into our surroundings (environment, water, and food sources) (Lloyd‐Smith & Sheffield‐Brotherton, 2008).

Given this environmental impact, it is possible that our bodies were not designed to handle such a large amount of toxins, and the full extent of their effect on our health remains unknown. Most of these products have yet to undergo comprehensive testing to assess their potential impact on human health, particularly on children and the developing fetus (Lloyd‐Smith & Sheffield‐Brotherton, 2008). An evidence-based cleansing system supported by accurate research on the detox/cleanse product offers a proactive approach to managing our health.

Do you need a safe, scientifically proven cleansing program with evidence-based supplements and personal coaching throughout your cleanse? Direct message me today!


Dr. Michael Newman, DNM., Ph.D., HHP

Board Certified, Holistic Doctor and Researcher




Danone Group. (2009, November 4). Digestive disorders cost Canadians $18 billion annually in health care and lost productivity, study finds [NEWS PROVIDED BY Canadian Digestive Health Foundation].

Lloyd‐Smith, M., & Sheffield‐Brotherton, B. (2008). Children's environmental health: Intergenerational equity in action—a civil society perspective. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1140(1), 190–200.

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